
ez Moment


Angle Class II, 1 Classification subclass, bony class I / anterior tooth space / individual tooth reverse jaw

病症:Anterior teeth space, individual teeth reverse jaw


1. The invisible appliance can accurately control the position of individual teeth, control the strength and angle more accurately, adjust more conveniently and wear more comfortably.

2. Because the lower anterior teeth are also arranged neatly, the coverage of the anterior teeth is more stable and the smile is fuller.

3. The patient is an adult female with high aesthetic requirements. Invisible correction changes the patient's teeth to be more beautiful.

4. The tooth movement design of yiqimei invisible correction is reasonable, and the correction effect is very satisfactory with the patient's extreme cooperation.


Angle Class II, 1 Classification subclass, bony class I, anterior tooth space, individual tooth reverse jaw




1. Align the upper and lower dentition, close the gap and release the reverse jaw;

2. Improve the shallow and deep coverage of anterior teeth.


1. First, provide clearance through adjacent surface Deglazing, align the lower anterior teeth, close #11 and #21 clearance, and leave the clearance near #12 and 22.

2. Maintain the occlusal relationship of bilateral molars.

3. Restore #12 and #22 normal shape through veneer repair.
